White female in a yellow sweater, not actual Serostim® patient

Identifying HIV‑associated Wasting

Evaluating your HIV‑positive patients for HIV‑associated wasting

HIV‑associated wasting may affect anyone living with HIV, even when they are well controlled with ART.

Are your patients experiencing symptoms of HIV‑associated wasting?

Patients living with HIV may experience episodes of unintentional weight loss, loss of LBM, and decreased physical endurance. Looking beyond unintentional weight loss and identifying other symptoms can be an important factor in determining if they are experiencing HIV‑associated wasting. This is why it’s important to talk about any symptoms they may be experiencing at every appointment.

A holistic approach to determine if your patients are experiencing symptoms of HIV‑associated wasting includes initiating open-ended discussions about LBM, body weight, and physical endurance.

The following steps can help you decide if further intervention and treatment may be right for your patient.

HIV‑associated Wasting Conversation Starter PDF download: helpful resource to support conversations with your HIV‑positive patients

HIV‑associated Wasting Conversation Starter

Use this helpful resource to support conversations with your HIV‑positive patients about their symptoms and HIV‑associated wasting


  1. Serostim® (somatropin) for injection [prescribing information]. Rockland, MA: EMD Serono, Inc.
  2. Dudgeon WD, Phillips KD, Carson JA, Brewer RB, Durstine JL, Hand GA. Counteracting muscle wasting in HIV‑infected individuals. HIV Med. 2006;7(5):299-310.